The CIMA certificate in business accounting is CIMA's own entry route to the CIMA professional qualification.
Fundamentals of Business Economics
Fundamentals of Management Accounting
Fundamentals of Financial Accounting
Fundamentals of Ethics, Corporate Governance and Business Law
Certificate Level . Award: CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting (CIMA Cert BA)
By passing the level, you will gain the CIMA Diploma in Management Accounting Operational level is the first level of the CIMA Professional Qualification and consists of three subject areas.
Operational Case Study Exam
Organisational Management
Management Accounting
Financial Reporting and Taxation
Operational Level Award: CIMA Diploma in Management Accounting (CIMA Dip MA)
Focus on how to communicate the strategy created by your seniors to your team for implementation. Plus how to monitor and report on the implementation of strategy and ensure corrective action is taken when required.
Management Case Study Exam
Project and Relationship Management
Advanced Management Accounting
Advanced Financial Reporting
Management Level Award: CIMA Advanced Diploma Management Accounting (CIMA Adv Dip MA)
This level concentrates on strategic decisions and how to provide the context in which those decisions will be implemented. Its focus is long-term.
Strategic Case Study Exam
Strategic Management
Risk Management
Financial Strategy
Strategic Level Award: Membership of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants and the CGMA designation
Wisdom Business Academy is a renowned teaching partner for professional qualifications. Wisdom is partnered with several prestigious international universities in UK and Australia to provide undergraduate and postgraduate degrees connected with CIMA and ACCA qualification.